Sargent Copy - Jack Millet as a Baby

about 7x10"

Sargent drawings are tricky to copy because so many of the lines are just fluid and lyrical--I don't worry too much about getting those ones terribly exact. On the other hand, I could probably push those facial features around teeny tiny fractions of an inch at a time for the rest of eternity! But I'm stopping here (the paper thanks me).

 As I'm doing this, I'm beginning to see the way Sargent set the proportions--and I'm recognizing the method. There are all these little tick-like marks throughout the drawing--tiny straight lines. I'm doing a horrible job of putting into words what I mean. But since starting to do the sight-size stuff, I can recognize the way he's laying this drawing out. And it's really cool. So unbelievably and sickeningly good, though, it's almost maddening. Yay, Sargent :)


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