Bargue Figure #8

Okay, this intensive, studious stuff is feeling a little lackluster after all that fast-paced fun with color this weekend. I'll admit, it was hard to get back into the groove yesterday afternoon. But one thing I noticed while out there painting the landscape--I'm using the principles I learn here in everything else I do, even if it doesn't always seem like it's crossing over into painting. I'm getting better at eyeballing where I want to place things on the canvas and establishing more accurate relationships from the start (though still not as accurate as I would like!). So, here I go with the Bargues again. I am going to try to paint more than I have been lately, if I can find the time! But I've gotta keep up with this kind of practice. Also, I'm getting into an almost subconscious habit of backing up every couple minutes, and that really helps catch errors along the way! 

The head and shoulders are still off, but I had erased and redrawn about 5 times and the lines were no longer pulling up off the paper, so I went ahead and stopped there :P


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