Skull sketch

black col-erase pencil and white charcoal on canson mi teintes paper

Finally getting around to doing a little sketching of my buddy Charlie the skeleton (my kids thought it was pretty hilarious that I decapitated the poor guy ;). This was probably close to two hours of drawing. Sometimes drawing on toned paper seems to make more sense than white. Maybe I just lose the patience to fill in all the middle value with white. It seems like most the value you see when drawing people is middle value so filling it all in can be a little tedious.

I just want to get a better feel for the structural elements of the skull. And I'd like to get to know it well enough that I could draw a proportional skull from several angles out of my head. So here's the first of what I hope to be quite a few sketches :) hoping it will help me be a little more intelligent in my seeing when it comes to drawing portraits from life.


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