2-hour figure

I kind of hate this drawing right now. I didn't feel like doing the same thing I always do, so I attempted to shake it up a bit, and I suppose I did that. But I don't feel like the decisions I made here work very well. For one thing, I think there's a little too much spotty-ness in the values. And there's too much diagonal motion in one direction. But I want to start thinking about the design and aesthetic of my entire drawing, even in these short sketches. This was some kind of attempt at that--and if I flop, well... I'm going to flop. 

I flipped this one around with a photo editor, and it looks so weird to me going the other direction. I don't know if that's just me (or why I didn't notice it in my mirror). It could be that when the eye is forced to lead in from the right it feels off to us westerners. One of my college professors told me that it's better in our culture to have your composition lead in from the left since we read from left to right (and in cultures where people read from right to left, the opposite is true). At any rate, something about this drawing feels off, even oriented the correct direction.



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