Bargue Figure Copy #11
Just another little Bargue copy--finally a new figure, too. I was getting tired of that skinny adolescent boy. I think there's more of him later on, but a little variety is good (too bad they apparently didn't believe in using female models back then too, eh?). I think I squished the lower body a little bit (and maybe the head too... though it might just be the way I drew the hair up front?). And as usual, I don't see it until I take the photo, ha. Well, next time maybe I'll take a photo before I've darkened all the lines and made it near impossible to erase without making a mess.
I might go for something with a little more form/shading next time I'm looking for something to copy. I love these little figures, but they don't have the variety of line I'd like to incorporate into my live figure sketches. That Charles Bargue, though--the guy could draw. I love how you can see where he established a few accurately described reference points, and everything seems to have built off of them. It seems like they're usually darkly-defined, small little lines (in this drawing, it looks to me like the neck area, maybe the bottom of the crossed foot, and the left triceps area were what he used as his main references. I could be totally wrong, of course, but in any case, I'd like to be able to work that way more. I notice it in Sargent's drawings too. He often seems to get one clearly defined profile/outline of something right off and go from there. I need to do less of the line to line and see the whole picture with each mark I make. Definitely a struggle, but a worthy one.
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