Portrait from memory and Bargue progress

I sat around doodling on this portrait for a little while this afternoon, trying to remember enough about the form to give it a little more finish. It would have been a lot easier with the model in front of me. Pretty sure I lost some of the likeness along the way and overdid it with that white. It is what it is. 


I'm almost in the mood to quit this stuff altogether today. It's stupid. I know it and I won't do it. But some days it's easier to quiet that urge than others. Often the foremost though running through my head while working on this stuff is "Why am I doing this?!". It's a good question, ha. Just one of those days, I guess.

Day three (or four? I think four) of this cheery old Bargue face. I wish there was a way to expedite this, but there really isn't :P No way out but through. 

And please excuse my moodiness. I guess I should have worked in a run this morning.


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