Last post of 2016

It's the last day of 2016, and I don't have anything exciting to share (still working over that unfortunate little Sargent copy I started last weekend, which is no easy task--who was this Sargent guy anyway!!!? ha ;). But I just wanted to say thank you, 2016, for all you've brought into my lowly little life. There have definitely been some ups and downs, and I'm not so sure what the New Year will bring--life is funny like that. But I have a feeling that 2016 will be a year I will keep near and dear to my heart for a long long time to come. I'm almost a little sad to see it coming to a close :')

Oh, and because every post needs a picture or two, James Charles. I happened across a couple of his things while Googling Solomon J. Solomon the other day. Happy accidents :)

I love the simplicity and vitality of these sketches. And I very much admire an artist who can capture a child's likeness from life. They're such wiggly things ;)

This is just beautiful, entitled "Will it Rain?" (1887)


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