Torso sketching

Just some quick torso plate copying. I'm trying to be as accurate as possible without getting too meticulous about it--I'm getting enough meticulousness on my Bargue copies, so I'm just keeping these loose. 

I'm really liking this idea of carrying a line through to the other side of a shape right now. That concept really started making sense on the first night of this structure class when Niki, one of the instructors, quickly demonstrated it on my drawing. It's funny because I swear I've been told to do that many many times before, but it just clicked that day. Probably because he showed me by doing it on my existing drawing. I'm the most visual of learners, and when I saw how it could be implemented on what I had already laid down, it made a lot of sense. 

I guess what I like about the draw-through is that it not only makes finding the shape easier and more harmonious/fluid, it gives a feeling of freedom and movement. I have a tendency to get a little frozen at times. And when you draw through, you're not just marking a line, but moving with the rhythm of whatever you're drawing. It almost becomes a dance (and I grew up dancing, so I like that ;). Also thinking about the underlying structure as I draw through (so I'm not just connecting this side with that side, but following an underlying line or shape) totally makes sense. Anyway, it's something I'm going to try to utilize more, though I'm sure, like everything, it will take lots of practice.


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