Structure class


Week two on this pose. I'm not feeling great about the overall proportions of this drawing (where are those sight size tic marks when I need them? Ha!). And there's some definite mental stretching going on, trying to navigate between what I'm doing here and at the CAS. But I'm really enjoying getting acquainted with the different approach (even though it really feels like I'm floundering at the moment --in both places, really ;).

I had some Colleen Barry drawings up next to my board for inspiration. I really love her stuff, and a couple of the teachers there studied with her at the GCA. She tells her students they should be able to lock in the gesture 3D in their heads (by imagining the simple forms of the rib cage and pelvis in relation to each other--gesture is all about the torso at his school), so that they could draw it from any angle, and that she's pretty good at doing it. Also that she holds the end of her pencil at arm's length and really lets it fly over the page in long straight lines when she blocks a pose in. I like the idea of being that bold and fluid in drawing :)


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