Quick sketch


12-minute sketch I did of my baby while he slept in the car yesterday afternoon (I know, because I was counting down the minutes until my daughter came out of her dance class as I furiously sketched ;). And is this angel face the same one that unrolled three rolls of toilet paper, dumped and scattered a brand new box of fruity pebbles all over the kitchen, pulled all the stuffing out of one of the couch cushions, squirted a bottle of lotion onto the carpet behind the bed, and in general, caused mass chaos the rest of the day through? Why, yes it is :)

For the aforementioned reasons, I didn't get much else done in the way of art stuff yesterday (I've been trying to make time to push a little more paint around on that Sargent copy, but it's just not happening). Anyway, this quick little sketch is actually not a bad likeness (for 12 minutes, anyway)--though, as usual, I wish I had had a bit more time--to refine the head shape and placement of the ear (the proportions of little kids' heads are a little different), and make a better value statement. 


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