2-hour figure from last night. I don't think I quite got the proportions right on the upper torso/head area. But there's always next time. Male proportions are still a little tricky for me.
Shortly after I started painting consistently in 2015, I created a dedicated Instagram account for my art. At that time, Instagram really was instant! Content was sorted according to the time at which it was posted, and you could see, in real time, what friends were doing, creating, etc. I enjoyed this format--it felt like a fair playing field where everyone had the same chance of being seen. I felt motivated to share, join the conversation, and record the journey of my art study and development. Fast forward to now>>incremental changes over the years have led to my feeling that Instagram isn't much more than a marketing game. And with constant unannounced changes to the algorithm, it's a game in which I'm never quite sure of the rules... sounds a little bit like an unhealthy relationship dyamic? :/ This strategy, of course, exists in order to "motivate" (dare I say manipulate?) people to take out ads in an attempt to stay relevant on the platform, and see t...
It was 78 degrees the other day, and I have to say, it was quite a shock to my system--I guess I just don't know how to not be cold after this eternal winter :) As far as art goes, my mantra this year has been to paint small and often, taking all the pressure off of the process and the outcomes. Sometimes I have these grand ambitions for painting, and dive into some overwhelming project head first. I'm not saying this is bad. It's not. It's an excellent thing to do, and makes returning to the simpler work so gratifying and liberating. However, it is possible to get burnt out, and I think that's what happened with me last year. I spent much too long laboring over a massive canvas that in the end, I felt less than confident about. And honestly, in my little heart of hearts, it felt like a waste of a year. Not that it was. It wasn't. It just felt that way. All this to say, I'm having fun with my painting these days. Painting when I feel like painting. Doing som...
I'll admit I've been less than diligent in caring for this blog lately, but it's for good reason--life! Life, for me, is always full of more to do than could ever be done. Maybe I have too many interests. Or maybe I'm too interested in the interests I do have. Whatever the reason, I'm always busy and rarely bored! Anyway, I'm happy to announce a few updates here for my handful of readers ;) 1) I've recently accepted a role as the Utah Ambassador for the Portrait Society of America. It's an organization I absolutely love being a part of. I look forward to becoming more involved with the Portrait Society as I act as liaison for a state full of incredible artists. 2) Although I may have seemed a little quiet in terms of production lately, it's because I've been working on a complex, multifigure commission that won't be released for public view until 2026. So... stay tuned for that one! 3) I'm painting full time now. Side gigs disbanded, I...
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