
5x7, water mixable oil on linen panel, 3/5/16

This is me trying to not completely neglect painting while focusing more intently on my drawing skills. Quick sketch (1.5-2 hours--or however long Disney's Aladdin runs ;) from this afternoon. Part of me wants to go back over this after it dries and see if I can bring it to a more refined finish. But the other part of me says "don't do it!" I guess I'll see what wins later on. It seems like whenever I try to go for a more finished look, I end up destroying whatever was good about the first go, so I dunno... it scares me a little (not that I have a ton to lose with this... a couple hours and a tiny panel, so maybe I should just go ahead and try?).

Which reminds me of Keats again:
"I was never afraid of failure. For I would sooner fail than not be among the greatest."

I certainly have a long road to travel before being among the greatest, but he inspires me nonetheless :)


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