Figure Drawing

I was still feeling a little drained from that stomach bug last night, but I'm glad I got out and drew anyway (though by the end of the session, the couch was sounding mighty nice). Anyway, I brought this through the door and the first thing my husband said was, "Hey, it's me." Ha. It does bear a slight resemblance (more in the drawing than in person, I'd say). 

Anyway, line quality. I'd like to figure this out. I think I spend so long just trying to get the drawing down accurately, I don't have time to think about it. And it would be optimal to multitask and see the line quality at the same time as the proportions, but that might be a little too much to ask of myself at the moment. I guess what needs to happen is I get the figure down a little quicker so I can have more time to really notice the gradation of line. But this one took a while to block in. I'll blame it on the fatigue and lingering feeling of off-ness (because one must always assign blame for her inadequacies, you know ;).


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