image from the Met's online collection I've always had such a fondness for Van Gogh--occasionally I need a good dose of his paintings. I'm sure there are plenty of people who wouldn't share my affinity for this artist (though there are surely many more who do, based on his popularity). His drawing is poor (if you don't believe me, look at his paintings of people), his ability to express form is lacking, and his shapes are generally quite flat and outlined in cartoon style (which is actually kind of charming, but from what I understand, most of his contemporaries were appalled by his work). And yet, I can't help but love it. His colors can be really stunning--and there's just something so personal and alive about the way he applies that paint. His iris paintings are some of my favorites. He was a melancholy soul, Van Gogh, and some days, I can relate on some level (can't we all?). Maybe that's a large part of what makes him so appealing. ...