Figure Drawing

I guess I had a good start to one of the feet here... but the face just wasn't going to happen. Sometimes I feel alright about all this stuff, and sometimes I feel like donning a turtle shell and burying my cute little turtle head for a while. The latter is the way I've been feeling lately. And not because of the way these drawings or anything else I've been working on have been going--I think I'm making slow, steady progress, and that's alright. 

It's just that I'm a textbook introvert, and doing this kind of thing tends to feel like I'm coming out of myself, which is something that can make me a little uncomfortable. When you're an introvert, a lot of things are uncomfortable. It doesn't mean they aren't worth doing. But it does mean sometimes I feel like retreating.

Stephen Hawking says, "Quiet people have the loudest minds." I couldn't tell you how many times someone has told me, "You're so quiet." Or "I couldn't tell if you liked me or not because you're so hard to read." Well, tell me about it. Rest assured, chances are I like (or would like) you a lot. There aren't many types of people I don't like. I'm just not all that verbally expressive, which I guess confuses people a little. I apologize for my introversion, world. I really do try to be friendly--there's just only so much I can do :)

I recently read on this site (go check it out--some very nice graphics descriptive of how an introvert processes the world) that introverts actually have a more complex neural pathway for processing incoming stimuli, which routes through their long term memory and planning systems, leading to longer response times. I can completely relate to this. It takes me about 10 seconds longer than the rest of the room to get a joke, and I don't "think while I'm talking" (which is how my primarily extrovert husband operates). My best thinking actually occurs when I'm writing. That's why this whole blogging thing works for me. I often don't know what I think until I write it down. 

So now you know. I'm an introvert. I walk around my life having lengthy conversations inside my head, pretty much all the time, and when someone asks what I think I say, "I don't know." Ha ;)


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