Another "Oh, no."

7x5", oil on linen panel

Ha, well, plein air painting is hard. Painting flowers in plein air, harder. Painting YELLOW flowers in plein air, impossible (at least if you're me). I think I went way too dark on the background. The shadows seemed really dark out there in the sunshine, but I overdid it. 

Sometimes I get to a certain point and just don't know how to move forward from there... soooo I don't. This is looking like a very rudimentary underpainting, and I froze at this point.  The light had changed pretty drastically (dappled shade) by the time I got here, so it seemed that if I tried to make it more complete I would have to change it completely. On the positive side, I don't think the drawing of the flower was really all that bad. Those petals all fit together pretty much how they should have, so that's something anyway ;) But I apologize if you come here looking for pretty pictures. It's not always pretty here.


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