Golden Delicious

6x6", water mixable oil on gessobord, 4/11/16

I often intend to get much more done during the day than I can realistically accomplish, and yesterday was one of those days. There was that stick of butter smeared all over the floor (so slippery!), the mud dragged in from the back yard, all the weekend laundry to get done, no nap for the little one, and the list goes on. So when 9:45pm came around and I still hadn't done anything artistic throughout the day (though I did work a little bit on improving my plein air setup--the easel I got last year needed a little reinforcing to be functional, especially after my experience last Saturday where everything that could have gone wrong did, ha!)--I decided to just grab an apple and paint for a bit, even though it was late (this one was about a 40 minute study).

Apples tend to be my default subject matter. We always have them around (we eat a TON of apples around here), and they're quick little studies. Not too intensive on the drawing, though the color of golden delicious apples really is difficult to capture, I think (at least for me). So, as usual, there are things I would try to do better next time, but the important thing here is that after painting for a few minutes, I really felt a lot better after a long day, and that's a good thing.


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