Painting en plein air
5x7, water mixable oil on linen panel, 10/23/15
The clouds have been unbelievable lately here in Utah--so big and billowy. Whenever I go outside, I have this urge to paint! But I'm not a landscape painter (yet)... not that I wouldn't like to be. I'd like to be able to paint whatever I want :) However, I used to have this idea that I just couldn't paint landscapes (after a couple of miserable failed attempts).
But now I'm thinking, "Why not?" I'm sure I can learn how with some practice, and I do want to. I'm finding lately (especially since starting this blog and recording some of my thoughts as I go along), that I have this constant inner dialogue regarding my art. There's always a voice saying "you're not any good and you might as well not bother." I don't like that voice. And since I'm more aware of it, I'm becoming more effective and pushing it away. Who really cares if I'm not any good anyway? No one (except me, I suppose).
Truly, this was only the second time I've ever really attempted painting a landscape on location, so figuring out all the logistics of plein air painting is still a bit of a learning curve. When I got out of my car and started setting up, I realized I had forgotten a palette :/ So I had to run back home once, but that was it (and thankfully I had chosen a location close to home).
I got my little plein air easel for my birthday this year, and it's okay. But it's not quite tall enough (I'm a whopping 5'3"), and there's no way to raise it up, so I have to crouch down a bit to see my painting straight on (maybe it was designed to be used with a stool?). Also, it has a storage area under the easel, which I put my paints in for transport, but then it's a little too heavy for the telescoping legs and starts collapsing! All things I need to learn to get around until I can invest in a $500 portable easel, ha!
That being said, the trickiest part of plein air painting so far is getting used to how the paint looks on the palette outdoors. I find I mix up a color, touch it to the canvas, and realize it's way too dark and have to try again. Also, finding a spot where the sun won't shine directly on the painting/palette is tricky. That, and the scene changes with every minute! Those clouds don't stay in place for long.
Anyway, I'm sure I should do this again soon. The weather won't be this lovely for long! Fall is my absolute favorite time of year here, and how lucky am I to be able to go out there and soak it all in while I paint?
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