Coral Rose
7x5", water mixable oil on linen board, 10/24/15
I found this beautiful rose growing in our front yard and brought it inside to paint, but I had a really hard time matching the color I was seeing in person. If I made the lighter values as light as they appeared, the saturation of color was completely gone. If I made the saturation as intense as in person, the value was too dark. Then I ended up adding too much in the petals, breaking up the masses too much, and it definitely weakens the rendering of the rose. So I'm not sure how people do this whole flower painting thing. Flowers are tricky little things.
Anyway, I do still have this rose sitting in my little painting corner, and maybe I will try again later today. There definitely are things I like about this little painting, and I learn something new each time I paint, so it was not a waste of time. I just think I could do better :)
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