Three Nectarines in a Glass Bowl

8x8", water mixable oil on canvas board, 6/8/2015

Well, I don't know why it's been so hard to find a spare hour or two to paint lately (it might have something to do with having had three siblings and two parents visit within the past 30ish days (and all at different times, whew!) ). But I did finally find (make) an hour tonight to get back to the easel, and it felt good. For some reason, the more I think (read: overthink) about painting, the less confident I feel about actually doing it. And the longer I wait between painting sessions, the harder it is to get started again. So let's hope the next little while will bring some consistency and routine (and also that we can figure out how to make the little ones fall asleep before the summer sun (not an easy task) so I can have a little quiet time back in the evening ). 

All this aside, these nectarines were really beautiful, and there's something about shrouding them in glass that makes them all the prettier, don't you think?


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