
Yesterday was a bit of a long day. My baby had a rather phlegm-y cold, so we couldn't venture out to any of our favorite haunts. Instead, we filled the time with online games, daytime bath time, movies, Sculpey clay, PBS children's programming, a brief outing to look at the frozen lake and break up the monotony, and a little watercolor painting. All this, and... no naps :P (plus, in the midst of it all, I even managed to deep clean the oven and sew half a sparkly pink dress for an upcoming dance competition for my girl--super mom :). 

I don't get out the watercolors much anymore (and couldn't say I did yesterday either--this was done with kids' watercolors and paintbrushes ;). What I love and hate about watercolor is that you can't backtrack. Each stroke is there to stay, and largely unpredictable (but then again, maybe that's just me). Sometimes you end up with some happy accidents (and maybe even happy yellow!--but not this time. This was done with only brown and black). I was loosely basing this painting on my daughter across the table from me, and while it doesn't look just like her (it was about a 5 minute little thing), and very little thought went into it, I actually kinda like it. Go figure. There's just something so fresh about a watercolor :)

And the figure drawing--I had some help with the placement of the feet, and I could stand to draw a little darker (not the first time I've heard that one-- even my piano teachers used to tell me that I had such a "light touch" ;). I tend to want to proceed by measuring each line to the last, and not see the bigger picture with each stroke--gotta keep envisioning that block of wood I'm whittling away at. Otherwise, I think it's alright I guess. From what I can see, it does resemble the model and it was my best effort, so... that's it--Thursday. And TGIF (do people still use that acronym? ;)


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