Figure drawing

About 11x7.5", pencil on paper, 2/2/16

I haven't heard what happened with the groundhog yesterday, but it still feels like winter to me (just ask this poor freezing model!).

I think this drawing went more smoothly than last time, and I'm glad I've started receiving instruction at these sessions. It's really cool to be learning a drawing method that masters of the past (and present) have used to learn their craft. I had reached a point in my drawing where I felt like I wasn't making much progress (and I know that the rate of progress tapers off the more you do something, but I want to keep that forward motion going--I'm not where I want to be just yet ;). It definitely helps to have another pair of eyes on my work to help break me out of whatever funk I might find myself in while drawing. Sometimes you're a little too close to something to see it clearly. 

I'm just really grateful I've found somewhere to draw this past year or so. I had looked for something like this in Utah County for years before stumbling upon these drawing sessions in a Google search :)


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