Figure Drawing

2 hours, pencil on paper, 2/16/16

Last night wasn't quite as frustrating as the previous figure session. There always seems to be an ebb and flow to life, and I guess you just have to learn how to be okay with the ebb as well as the flow. 

It turns out I was using a 2H lead in my pencil (instead of the recommended HB), so that might partly explain my extra light marks on the paper... I guess I had just assumed it was HB when I got the pencil since it seems to be the standard, but I really should've checked that ;) I got a little farther with this drawing than I have since starting instruction, and even began throwing a little (flat) shading onto the figure. A further step is to use the contour lines of the figure to indicate value (which the instructor was starting to show me here). So we'll see how the next session goes--the ebb and flow of life might suggest that next time I will spend half the time drawing an envelope, ha! I'll be ready :)


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