Figure drawing

I decided to start getting instruction in the academic drawing process at the atelier I drop in at for open drawing. I think it will help train my eye for accuracy, which is something that is important to me artistically. This figure is obviously much less developed than what I usually come up with in two hours of drawing (and don't check it for accuracy. This is about 10 minutes of blocking in the figure, and a little help from the instructor). I spent a full hour and a half or more developing an envelope (basically a boxy outline of the space the figure fills) around the figure :P It feels somewhat non-intuitive to me--I think I often approach a drawing from the opposite direction: from the inside out, focusing on the angular relationships within the figure first, and then working out from there. So it will take some getting used to, but I'm sure it won't hurt to stretch my brain to try it another way :)