6x6", water mixable oil on gessobord, 2/29/16 I caught my kids' cold this weekend, so I haven't been feeling very well. And when the cold medicine wore off at about 5AM, I found myself awake and sandwiched in between two sleeping kids on our queen sized bed (I don't think it's recommended for 4 people ;). So I decided to just get up and go do a little painting while the house was quiet (it didn't last long!). This painting was done from a photograph that I found on morguefile.com. I have a hard time painting from photographs. There's just not enough (or maybe too much?) information to create a feeling of three dimensional depth, and I guess I just don't have enough experience painting from life yet to successfully add (or subtract) the info that would pull off the illusion. So it may not be a masterpiece, but hey, at least I painted. With a cold. At 5AM! Painting is one of those things that the more you learn about it, the less you feel like...