Playing with Acrylics

Both 6x6", acrylic on canvas panel, 12/3/15

5AM is too early to be painting (or doing anything for that matter), but when the baby wakes me up at 4 and I can't fall back asleep (worst time of the night to wake up, dontcha know?--fyi, I have lots of Minnesota relatives ;), well I might as well take advantage of the quiet house.

These little studies were exercises in speed, really. They are both in acrylic, which is some crazy weird stuff. After painting with oil for a while, acrylic really throws me for a loop. You have to race the brush from the palette to the canvas, just so it doesn't dry in the meantime ;) And the paints I have aren't the heavy body kind, so they seem to have almost the consistency of, maybe mayonnaise? It's a whole different animal. But it does force me to go for just the essential values and colors and stop right there--acrylics are also very shiny and hard to get a good shot of without glare, sorry (some pretty distracting glare, yah?). And the silly timbre of this post may be tangentially related to my sleeping habits of late :)


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