Provo Tabernacle

18x24", water mixable oil on board, 11/30/15 I don't know... I think I'm about done with this one (maybe a few more touch ups?). This is probably the biggest I've ever painted with oil, and my goal was to be loose and fast. I feel like I've been a little tight with my painting lately. I really want to be able to accurately represent reality, because once you can do that, I think it gives you a great freedom to be able to do whatever you want to do with your art. But at the same time, I don't want to get so caught up in accuracy that I lose the fun. So I pulled out the really big brushes on this one, and didn't let myself get too caught up in any of the details, drawing or otherwise ;) I'm okay with that; it's basically what I was going for. Loose, fast, fun :). This is the view from the post office parking lot to the southwest of the building (the gray on the bottom is a big cement wall, ha. I left out the wrought iron fence and row of bush...