Why didn't you major in art?

I've gotten this question a few times lately, so I thought I'd take a few minutes to think the answer through. Why didn't I go into art? I have always loved art, so I guess it would have made sense if I had gotten an art degree. My dad used to bring home stacks of paper from the recycling bin at his workplace every day, and my older sister Jackie and I would fill the backs of the perforated-edged computer paper with our drawings. A drawing I did of my mom's rocking chair at age 6 Our depiction of my dad's workplace (he worked at a refinery). I'm on the left :) There was a boy in my school class whose mom ran art camps for kids. I participated in quite a few of them, and even won 2nd place for one of my paintings :) Me, 8 years old painted around age 7-8 In junior high, my interest in art grew. I took an art class every quarter/semester at school if I could fit it in, and continued to take art classes in high school. Stipp...