
Showing posts from May, 2012


It so happens that I just haven't made any time to paint in the past week or so. But there's always time for a quick sketch (each of these was probably 3-5 minutes or so)! Baby likes to help, too, as you can see in the bottom picture of daddy. I really should draw more.

All of my artistic efforts from the past two months

Chronologically (or close to it), from oldest at the top to most recent at the bottom. Red Lodge Hike Watercolor on paper, approx 11x7 Purple and yellow flowers in a vas acrylic on matboard, approx 9x14 Apple acrylic on watercolor paper approx 5x7 Apple acrylic on watercolor paper approx 5x7 acrylic on mat board 8x10 apple oil on mat board 4x5 Reproduction of Mary Cassatt's "Girl in a Straw Hat" oil on canvas, 16x20 Bananas and apple oil on mat board, 8x10 tangerine oil on mat board, 4x5 attempted painting from photograph, that eventually ended up in the garbage ;) lilies in a glass vase oil on canvas board, 14x11 Radishes watercolor on 300lb paper, approx 7x11 Radishes oil on canvas board, 11x14 my lilacs oil on stretched canvas, 20x16 large lemon oil on canvas board, 8x10 first of the season oil on stretched canvas, 16x20  

New blog!

I've always loved to draw and paint. But between college/work/family, etc., that love of mine has been pushed to the side for many years. However, I got an easel for my birthday this year, and guess what? I've been using it! I'm starting this blog so I can document my artistic progress from day-to-day, week-to-week. A journal of my little daily paintings--the successes and the failures. Mostly, this space is just for me. But if you find it interesting, feel free to follow along.